Editorial policy


At PioneerSettler, we are dedicated to being the leading source for discovering the joys and benefits of self-sufficiency, preserving traditional crafts, and embracing off-grid living. 

Our mission is to inform, inspire, and empower our readers with guides and articles on the best practices and experiences in sustainable living.

Content Creation and Sourcing

Our content is crafted by seasoned experts who have extensive knowledge and experience in self-sufficiency, traditional crafts, and off-grid living. 

We source information directly from homesteaders, craft artisans, and our own practical experiences to ensure authenticity and depth.

Accuracy and Fact-Checking

Each piece of content on PioneerSettler undergoes rigorous verification by our editorial team. We prioritize accuracy in details such as techniques, resources, and project guides. 

Our goal is to provide up-to-date and factual content that our readers can trust and rely on for their own self-sufficient living journeys.

Editorial Independence

PioneerSettler maintains complete editorial independence in its content creation. While we may accept sponsored content, such content is clearly labeled to maintain transparency with our audience. 

Our primary commitment is to our readers, ensuring that our content remains unbiased and trustworthy.

Corrections and Transparency

We are committed to transparency and honesty. If inaccuracies are identified in our content, we make corrections swiftly and clearly note any changes made for our readers’ benefit. 

We encourage our audience to reach out via our contact page if they spot any errors or outdated information.

User Engagement and Feedback

We value our readers’ insights and actively engage with them to refine our content and adapt our coverage. 

Feedback is gathered through comments, social media, and direct communication, playing a crucial role in our editorial processes.

Content Updates and Review

Our content is reviewed on an annual basis or more frequently if significant changes affect the information provided. 

We update our articles to reflect new techniques, seasonal activities, and feedback from our community to ensure relevance and accuracy.

Ethical Considerations

PioneerSettler adheres to the highest ethical standards. We respect privacy, avoid sensationalism, and handle sensitive topics with the utmost care. Our strict no-plagiarism policy ensures all content is original and properly credited.

Advertising and Sponsored Content

All sponsored content is clearly distinguished from our editorial content. Advertisements are chosen for their relevance to our readership and adhere to our standards for quality and integrity.

Legal Compliance

PioneerSettler complies with all applicable legal and regulatory frameworks, including those pertaining to copyright and data protection, ensuring our operations are lawful and ethical.

By adhering to these principles, PioneerSettler aims to be a trusted resource for anyone interested in self-sufficiency, traditional crafts, and off-grid living. We are committed to delivering high-quality, reliable content to support and inspire our community.